Original Guimon Hidden Gems

By Michael Lawrence Guimon

For purchasing Art Work

Please Call 331-315-1399 


Email : oghiddengems@gmail.com


Original Guimon Hidden Gems 

A tribute to all the Hidden Gems in the World....

Below is a collection of acrylic paintings on Canvases. They are also me Expressing my Emotions through the Vessel of Art and creativity onto canvases. The Memories of my Life and all the people that I Love are in my Art. Paintings move your Emotions and have taken my breath away on many occasions. Peace, Love, and Empathy - Michael Lawrence Guimon 

11"x14" canvas acrylic paint


20"x16" canvas acrylic paint 

The unknown Lady Assassin Trains in a secluded area of the Mountains. Training with full focus and force but doing her best not to attract any unneeded attention. You can also see her personal Bodyguard and mythical wolf pup . Keeping watch and protecting the unique Lady Ninja. From any harm or on looking spy's. As she perfects her deadly but beautiful craft... 

20"x16" canvas with acrylic paint 

A scene of a street fest in Chicago, Illinois under a full orange Moon. People in the streets and balconies celebrating. You can see the Brick buildings covered in " Old Chicago Common Brick" in a Pink blended run. Street lamps people eating dancing and music is beating in the back round.

At this party and in my painting world. There are only people all colors and races throwing down. No Hate, no stealing and scheming. On each other . No worrying about being on guard. Just a good time had by all . No sad rides home only excitement..

20"x16" canvas with acrylic paint

20"x16" canvas with acrylic paint 

16"x20" canvas with acrylic paint

A Colorful Phoenix


A Colorful Phoenix


20"x16" canvas acrylic paint 

8"x8" canvas acrylic paint

This is a painting I did recently after I started Messing around with a painting set. That My brother gave me for my 38th birthday. 
i remember thinking the painting set was cool but i have never really created art or even draw much before that day. I grew up playing sports and navigating my social life. Never thinking much about art. I struggled to stay focused in school always . Being diagnosed with ADD at 7 years old. I was always notorious for having the worst handwriting in class. so focused on what I was ok at and that was sports. Which I have awesome memories of and being parts of teams and friends was always exciting to me.

at 38 years old I started messing around with the art set and when the paint dried. Anytime you put on the canvas looks good. Not having any idea about painting or mixing paints? Only painter I can name at that time is Vincent Van Gough. He seemed to paint colorful trees. Not on Purpose but that's how I think I came up what this color scheme. It was a good feeling to look at when it was done. 




12"x35" canvas acrylic paint

I was going for a look similar the the art that lines the walls of your favorite Mexican restaurant. The colors are bright and full of energy. A Beautiful culture and I am definitely drawn to colors and images that excite your eyes.

This painting was just finished last week. Circa April 6th..

35"x23" canvas acrylic paint

finished this painting a few days ago. Today 4/8/2024.

Thought process, starting idea, development, and End Product......
I started out wanting todo a USA 🇺🇸 Rising Phoenix or Falcon painting.first Solid Background and a more basic image of a bird.

Ofcourse the Bird looked cool enough for my wall at that point.i have trouble ending paintings. I always think I need to add more and more detail or layers? I started adding to this painting and then started thinking of watching the cubs win the World Series with my Dad at our house in Glen Ellyn. Not watching much sports as I get older. It was fun to watch Chicago ralley behind the team and they had so many badass athletes on that squad. 
so then I started to think about how they got the 800 pound gorilla off the cubs back after over 100 years. The feeling of adrenaline overwhelming the players, coaches , fans and all Chicago. 
I pictured a bird dive bombing an evil 🦍 800 lbs. gorilla and exploding him into chunks and pieces. Not much of the gorilla left in this painting. If you look closely you might see a hand or pieceof a finger.

Similar to when Michael Jordan played that game against Larry Bird!!! MJ was jumping out his mother F'ing Shoes!!!!!

A season long of blood, sweat, and tears!


go cubs !

11"x14" canvas acrylic paint 

multiple layers of paint and colors here. The Minion movies are great and the Minion character makes me laugh just looking at how goofy they are. Then after they talk? So ridiculous...! They look and sound dumb? But they are sly like the Fox. cool idea . Respect 🤜🤛

Juice World


Juice World


11"x14" canvas acrylic paint

Juice World is a Rapper/Artist that I have great appreciation for. I relate to his songs and lyrics. A master of words and rhythms. In my opinion 

12"x12" canvas acrylic paint

A fantasy/Syfy scene. It's a full moon and 2 badass good guys. Are feeling like Kurt Russel in the movie "Big Trouble Little China" . Feeling Invincible!

20"x8" canvas acrylic paint



8"x20" canvas acrylic paint

8"x20" canvas acrylic paint 


Two Hot Messes


Two Hot Messes


12"x12" canvas acrylic paint 

This gentalmen seems to have 2 hot messes on his mind? Also looks very happy.  

I struggle painting symmetrical images and full faces in my paintings. I seem to paint a lot of half and quarter face images though. It's a comfortable starting point for me to make me put brush to canvas. 
A half or quarter face doesn't take up the whole canvas. Using the open area on the canvas. It gives you the option to paint your thoughts, dreams, feelings. Kind of a fun way to be creative with colors. 

20"x16" canvas acrylic paint

A very loud and colorful piece. I enjoy looking at multiple exploding colors in paintings. It's attractive to the eye. I always notice that when I am painting . I naturally start looking to create a painting that is unique or imperfect. One way I tend to do this is by mixing colors that you dont see a lot or think would look good together?  I am not very educated on color mixing or color schemes. Sometimes some interesting art comes together in odd ways and colors.... In my opinion 

I have never been much of a "rule follower" throughout my life. So art and painting go perfectly with my chemical makeup:)

20"x16" canvas acrylic paint

I went to high school at Glenbard West in Glen Ellyn. This is an abstract painting of the high school. I have amazing memories from the town and high school. 

20"x16" canvas acrylic paint

Eyes,Triangles,tears,pyramids and exploding colors and flames... A Greatful Dead feel for sure along with things i like to paint.

Neon Deon Phoenix


Neon Deon Phoenix


20"x16" Canvas acrylic paint

THe story of the rising phoenix is powerful in many deep meanings. Since the beging of Time and to me personally. Sometimes many people need to hit rock bottow . In order to start a come back and come back stronger. Like the main character in your favorite movie. 

Maybe hanging on to something that helps you not give up? The thought that if you hang in there long enough? Something sparks your come back or your Rising Phoenix? Possibly the some of all you experiences good and bad come together to make something more beatiful and much stronger? - John Frusciante from the Red Hot Chili Peppers said that in a interview i watched the other day and it made alot of sense to me.... NEVER GIVE UP.

This particular phoenix is rising and needed to over come multiple deamons physical, genetic, and phycological... I really think this is a cool painting

20"x16" canvas acrylic paint 

I find myself attracted to mixing in metallic colors into my paintings. They are shiny and make the painting look different from different angles and In the light. You can see that in the background behind slimer. I really was feeling the back round and wanted to make this painting fun to look at. 

Slimer just came to as I was just trying to make an image that isn't very common. Painted in a tuff time struggling with addiction. You can see my emotions expressed here are real and true.

The devastating feeling of spree and remorse with us who battle to stay clean. Relapsing eventually at the end every try. Livng in you head and thoughts are a tuff circle to break.


Dr. Gonzo


Dr. Gonzo


20"x10" canvas acrylic paint

Artist : Ralph Idris Seadman  : Illustator for Hunter S. Thompson...

Tribute to the artist that Illustrated Hunter S. Thompsons work. Dr. GOnzo is one of the charactors.

Hunter S. Thompson Tripping on Halloween with his Lawyer. Driving in a red convertable. Looks like Bats are after them.

14"x14" canvas acrylic paint

14"x14" canvas acrylic paint

A Hunter S. Thompson theme. He is on a road trip across the U.S. Searching for the true meaning of the american Dream...

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Movie

Kingdom of Fear


Kingdom of Fear


14"x14" canvas acrylic paint

I have always stuggled to read and finish books even if i like the subject. A handful of books have really sparked my inspiration to actully commit to finishing them. 

Hunter S. Thompson is one of those Authers and subjects that I have really enjoed reading. His books, movies, and his life story have always intriged me. I find that painting images of things that i am passion about or people i think are special. The paintings have more meaning ofcourse and your thoughts, memories, and feelings will subconciously be expressed onto the canvas.

I sometimes listen to the music my friend likes and think of the memories i have had with that person. As i try to kind of zone out and just trynot to over think what i am doing but still try to be athletec about my brush strokes. just let it happen and when your done? let it dry sit back and see what all of it combines to your very personal and custom piece....

Hunter S. Thomson would have been enlighting to shoot the shit with........ In this Humble mans opinion.

The 2 hardest golf holes of your life. 15th club is a refrence to your mind in the game of golf. My uncle gave me a book called the 15th club and some information stuck with me that i read in that book

17"x9" painted plywood .75" think 

14"x11" canvas board acrylic paint...

The movie Tron and a refrence to my friend Tron . The Tron movie is a great Flick. Tron raced in the championship in the 90's...

9"x12" canvas board acrylic paint

Angry Bird


Angry Bird


9"x12" canvas board acrylic paint

Fall in Alaska


Fall in Alaska


9"x12" canvas board acrylic paint. 

Mother Earth


Mother Earth


9"x12" canvas board acrylic paint





12"x12" canvas board acrylic paint

The Movie "Lady in the water"  is a feel good fun movie that I really like. I see images in my paintings from Movies that i Love. This painting has the feel of this movie here..

11"x14" canvas board acrylic paint

Not sure i remember Painting this one??? oops.... Looks cool though..hahah

11"x14" canvas board acrylic paint

Try hard to keep up apperances....

11"x14" canvas board acrylic paint

11"x14" canvas board

Window Pain....T


Window Pain....T


14"x11" canvas board acrylic paint

Gormlee Pass


Gormlee Pass


11"x14" canvas board

14"x11" canvas board acrylic paint

A Portal


A Portal


11"x14" canvas board acrylic paint

14"x11" canvas board acrylic paint

11"x14" canvas board

14"x11" canvas Board acrylic paint

Symbolizing the effects of some drugs that clinch your Jaw and Grind your teeth. THis is more obvious in some than in others! Vampires are creatures of the night.... you get it....


10"x8" canvas acrylic paint 

11"14" canvas board acrylic paint

THis piece sparked a fun style i played with for a phaze and still keep it in my "arsonal of Moves". Tons of moving color and emotion in this painting.

14"x11" canvas board

11"x14" canvas board with acrylic paint

A Seasoned Leaf


A Seasoned Leaf


14"x11" Canvas Board with acrylic paint

Chief Ekwabet statue is Located in St. Charles, Illinois next to the Fox River.

14"x11" canvas acrylic paint

8"x20" canvas acrylic paint

A greatful dead and Johnny Cash Mixed feel to this Painting.

20"x8" Canvas acrylic paint

8"x20" canvas acrylic paint

11"x14" Canvas acrylic paint

I think Everyone has a inner resource that activates when Experiencing yourself in a true form. When your enjoying something that you Love and you are all in ON...

18"x24" canvas acrylic paint

This paintng gives me the feeling of driving through chicago on a steaming hot sommer day that turns into night. THe beautful city and massive sky scrappers the open grass lots with some trash and broken bottels scattered arond. The sound a angel of a street performe just letting the music flow through him and sharing it. I remember thinking some times? Is it me or are some of these street preformers unbelievably gifted in the art of music.

24"x18" canvas acrylic paint

Lots of color and emotion in this painting. one of the last paintings i did end of last year.

20"x20" canvas acrylic paint

Trying to Paint my thoughts and it seems to have worked



Greatful Dead painting. I like painting trippy abstract paintings and this is fun to get into. Painted during a relapse . an addiction to Amphetamines on and off for about 2 years. Mostly on. This was after about a year into it and after a 17 day trip to an impatient rehab... Mix them together??? this is how it turned out. Not sure if it looks like it? But there is possibly weeks of little painting sessions in this painting? 

11"14" canvas acrylic paint

Dukes Northwoods


Dukes Northwoods


ST. charles Illinois Dukes Northwoods Bar and Resturant. Recently moving to ST. Charles Illinois from Glen Ellyn, IL.

14"x11" Canvas acrylic Paint

THere seems to be many repeating imagets in my paintings as i look back on them. most of my paintings i am seeing in the light for the first time as i am posting them on this website. I did my fist painting on December 13th 2020. It was in my basement of my parents home. Since then i alwast painted in the basement using the light set up i had set up. not really over thinking lighting. 

I see alot of eyes and spirits watching in the backrounds. Kinda cool maybe symbolizing a guardian Angel of sorts? Portals, doorways,circles,tornados. also make many apperances in my paintings. THis painting contaings many if not all of those plus more here. L

20"x20" canvas acrylic paint 

Reflecting in January 2024 about my life and Sobering up again. 

12"x24" canvas acrylic paint


In Septemper of 2023 I painted some Sunflowers in my own version. A Recognizeable image that carry's a more deeper relatioship it has with mother nature an Life..

Some Paintings i notice a moment of getting better expressing the image and feelings in me . Onto the canvas and a rewarding feeling of accomplishment. After working on a painting for days or weeks. THis is one of those paintings for me.

Although in a state of addiction and depression. I still had momoents of overwelming happiness by creating Art. Its a special feeling but very new to me. Most artist,musician,thinkers for the beging of time have know this. I myself at 41 years old have just discovered this myself. It was like figuring out some ancient secret to me. Maybe its the beauty in all aspects of life and all emotions? Stop Judging because we all we got. 

!8"x24" canvas acrylic paint

A Line from a song by Rapper Named Merkules mixed with a Red Hot Chili Peppers Song. "californication" 

24"x18" canvas with acrylic paint

I tried to do some Greatful Dead tribute paintings in 2023 . I enjoy making simple shapes look trippy or make a simples shape become complicated and detailed in colors.

I saw Bob Ross use his paint brush in a tapping tequniqe a lot to apply paint onto the canvas. It took a lot of his episopes for me to realize that he is not randomly taping the shapes of trees and plants? he is very cordinating as he shapes his images. simple tecniqe to slowly develope an image. Anyway, this is how it turned out after i was looking at the album cover with the turtles. 

This painting took a lot of hours and sessions of laying color. I see looks of fun images that took shape unintentionally as a Just kept tapping away at it in between working on other paintings also.

I have always formed strong life long relationships with friends over my 41 years that have enourmos love and passion for this band its music message and culture. The image or thought or song of the Greatful Dead immedialtly shows my brain images of friends that i associtate in that feeling.

14"x11" canvas with acrylic paint

Tribute to my Girlfriends Dog Louie and to the Tupac song "Thug Mansion". I have always thought of Rap and Hip Hop as Poetry accounpanied by Music. Like many people I think Tupac was a beautiful Badass.

36"x24" Canvas acrylic Paint

May 19th 2023 about a month out of an Impatient Rehab for my 2nd time. 1st impatient vacation was about 8 years before. Trying to start over again.

I went through a painting phaz at this time when i was randomly grabbing paints and squirting them into My Masterson stay wet pallet". Which that helps keep your paints stay wet longer. Then i would drag a small fan brush through the pallet picking up a variety of colors on the brush. I would look at the brush to see what colors and how they looked on the brush. Using the Fan Brush like a "pallet Knife" and guide it across the canvas with light pressure in whatever shape i feel like. It makes a very attractive look to the eye I think.

If you have ever watched any of the Legendary Bob Ross TV shows? He uses the pallet Knife a lot and i am sure that is how it worked its way into My Painting game! I like to have the Bob Ross channel on Roku TV when i am painting sometimes. Music also helps me get in a creative zone of expression:)

14"x14" cavas with acryic Paint

The Green witch or Green Spirit seems to show up in a few of my paintings. Eyes are Dazed and confused nerves fried to a crisp. The green witch plays the piano....

24"x32" canvas acrylic paint

Fox River Shaman


Fox River Shaman


Just moved to St. charles, Illinois January 2024. Painted after some walks around town and along the river. Spirit of the Fox River Shaman is looking across the river at the past, present, and the future.

Acrylic on canvas 20"x16"

This Is a tribute to All GW and special mentions to two badass Glenbard West Football players frome year 2000 team. You can see #71 and #6 in this Painting. The Fear the Dungeon logo on the chest is respect for the wresting program at Glenbard West. Uncle Bern B. you were on my mind when painting this piece. You the man and thanks for looking out for me!

This abstract phonix seems to be rising with such adrenilin and emotion that half of its wing looks to be busted off from the superhuman power? Similar to walking behind the beating Drums to Duchon Field with your squad on game day. Just my take on how it looked at the end? What do you see?

20"x16" canvas


Acrylic Paint on Canvas 20"x16" 






Acrylic Paint on Canvas 11"x14"

An abstract self portrait. Head racing and spinning with thoughts built from my emotions. I painted this painting a few weeks after the end of another devistating relapse in early 2024 is St. Charles Illinois. Haunted by the pain and problems that i have caused my family friends and loved ones. lost. 

seems to be uttering the words " Fate Mofo" 

Acrylic Paint on Canvas 12"x24"

The Souless stare of an Aztec Executioner. Reminds me of a scene from the movie " Apocolipto" showing the beheadings. He seems to be trying to ignor the true thoughts about what he is actually taking part in? He is Haunted by the voices of souls and spirits that are waiting to see him in the after Life. Brain soaked in Fear his eyes not capable of Focusing. he will never be present in the moment again.


Acrylic Paint on 16"x20" canvas

Jelly Fish Heart


Jelly Fish Heart


Jelly Fish Heart peacefully floating along the bottom of the ocean Ignoring all the Thirsty suiters. Doing its own Thing amongst the Chaos. 

Acrylic Paint 8"x20" canvas

Tribute to Southern Illinois Carbondale! In memory of all my fellow Salukis. From Pinch Penny to PK's and all the backroads. If you been there ? You Get it! THis is for "The Shack", Cherry Street, EL Greco, THe Dragon Flys, my Pards, and anyone that we made memmories together.


I love you MOFO's!!!!! Thank you

Acrylic Panit on 24"x32" canvas


A tribute to my favorite Band. The Red Hot Chili Peppers! A phoenix rises in the "Otherside". A Unique Dimension created from Peace, Love, and Music. Possibly suggesting that Phoenixes are all Unique influenced by thier Lifes Journey.

- Acrylic Paint on canvas 12"x24" 

Mother Mary


Mother Mary


Acrylic Paint on Canvas

20" x 16" 

Acrylic paint on Canvas

16"x 20" canvas

Sprit of the Fox


Sprit of the Fox


Fossilized fox skelaton frozen in time in a tree. Overlooking a waterfall along the Fox River in ST. Charles Illinois...


Acrylic Paint on cavas