Rainbow Eye Sunflower


In Septemper of 2023 I painted some Sunflowers in my own version. A Recognizeable image that carry's a more deeper relatioship it has with mother nature an Life..

Some Paintings i notice a moment of getting better expressing the image and feelings in me . Onto the canvas and a rewarding feeling of accomplishment. After working on a painting for days or weeks. THis is one of those paintings for me.

Although in a state of addiction and depression. I still had momoents of overwelming happiness by creating Art. Its a special feeling but very new to me. Most artist,musician,thinkers for the beging of time have know this. I myself at 41 years old have just discovered this myself. It was like figuring out some ancient secret to me. Maybe its the beauty in all aspects of life and all emotions? Stop Judging because we all we got. 

!8"x24" canvas acrylic paint